Holy Trinity and St Mary’s are two of the most beautiful buildings and Guildford and the Trinity Centre is a much loved key central space in a unique location. We are keen to share our spaces with everyone we can. All our buildings are available to hire and we delight in welcoming those who visit to bless us with lunchtime concerts, organ recitals, symphony orchestras and theatre productions.

For privacy reasons not all activities and events are published in the calendar. If you need to access the buildings for any reason please always check with the office if there is availability.

For more information about hiring once of our buildings please CLICK HERE or call 01483 578861


Additional Events & Groups

Reflections - Every Lent and Advent Thursday’s at St Mary’s 12.15-13.30

Bellringing - Wednesday’s and Sunday’s at Holy Trinity & St Mary’s

Flower Arranging - Holy Trinity & St Mary’s (please contact us if you would like to be involved)

Walking Group - Saturday walks in the countryside including a church and lunch

Upper Room - Monthly Discussion Group (on zoom) Please contact us for more information.

Coffee and Cake - Talk and Fellowship. Monthly 4th Thursday at St Mary’s 10.30-12.00

Organ Recitals - Second Tuesday of the month at St Mary’s 13.10 - 14.00

Parish Choirs (Please see our Music Page for more information)



St. Mary’s - Holy Communion - 08.00

Holy Trinity - Sung Eucharist (All ages welcome) - 10.00

St. Mary’s - Morning Service (Communion 1st Sunday of month) - 10.30

Holy Trinity - Choral Evensong (Term Time) - 18.00

Guildford AA - Trinity Centre - 20.00


Morning Prayer at St Mary’s - 8.30am

U3A Keep Fit - 09.00 - Trinity Centre

Evening Prayer - 5.15pm - St Nicolas, Bury Street

Guildford Vox Choir - 19.15 - St. Mary’s

Young Persons AA - 19.30 - Trinity Centre


Morning Prayer at Holy Trinity - 8.30am

Love Pilates - 9.30 – 10.30 - Trinity Centre

U3A Yoga - 10.45 – 11.45 - Trinity Centre

Lunch Club (First Tuesday of each month) - 12.30 - Trinity Centre

Trinity Club discussion group (last Tuesday of month) - 10.30 - St. Mary’s

RGS Lunchtime recital (first Tuesday of the month) - 13.15 - Holy Trinity

Evening Prayer - 5.15pm - St Mary’s

Surrey Rainbow Choir, supporting LGBTQ+ - 19.15 - Trinity Centre


Morning Prayer at Holy Trinity - 8.30am

Chit Chat (Term time - English conversation) - 09.30 - St Mary’s

Evening Prayer - 5.15pm - St Nicolas, Bury Street

Shine Time Musical Theatre School - 18.00 - Trinity Centre

Royal Surrey Choir - 19.00 - St. Mary’s

Bell ringing practice - 20.00 - HT/SM


Morning Prayer at St Mary’s - 8.30am

Coffee & Cake (4th Thursday of each month) - 10.30 - St. Mary’s

Café Club - 17.00 - Trinity Centre

HT Choir practice (boy / girl choristers & adults)* - 18.00 - Holy Trinity & Trinity Centre


Guildford Vision Group (fortnightly) - 09.00 - Trinity Centre

Brownies - 17.15 - Trinity Centre

Girl guides - 19.00 - Trinity Centre

Vigil for Peace - 21.00 - St. Mary’s


Guildford Theatre School - All day - Trinity Centre

Saturday Coffee - 10.00 – 12.00 - Holy Trinity

Hearing aid clinic (1st and 3rd Saturday of each month) - 10.00 – 12.00 - Holy Trinity