our young people
The presence of young people is a gift to the community
At Holy Trinity and St Mary’s, we have a vibrant youth contingent in our church community.
The contribution and value that they bring to our Parish life is incredibly important. We have lots of opportunities for people of all ages. Please read below to see what we have on offer. If you would like to know more or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Pippa, our Children and Families Coordinator.
the children’s area during sunday morning worship
During all our services children are always welcome. They are part of our church family and our families with children are encouraged to stay in church for the service. We have a dedicated area in The Children’s Chapel (formerly St Luke’s Chapel) for the children with toys, books and seating for parents and speakers bring the service to you so you do not miss anything. We always have our rainbow table stocked full of crafting materials and there are bags of toys that you can take into the nave of the church should you wish to be there instead.
Cafe Club is for children aged 12-18. We meet every Thursday at the Trinity Centre from 5.30pm for coffee, hot chocolate, snack and lively discussion.
Please contact Pippa if you would like your child to join in!
We have a large youth choir randing from ages 5-18 that sing together every Thursday and once on a Sunday.
If you would like more information please check out our Music Page.
Our brownies meet every Friday evening. Brownies introduces girls to a world of new opportunities, challenges and fun.
For more information CLICK HERE.
Our Guides meet every Friday at the Trinity Centre.
If you would like more information CLICK HERE.
In our parish, we offer all children the opportunity to take communion from the age of 7. They attend a learning morning with our clergy and youth team, before sharing communion with the whole church. Every child is sponsored by a member of the church who will support and guide them through their Christian journey at Holy Trinity and St Mary’s.
We have a great group of young people in our parish that help and serve during our services. From junior church wardens, greeting members of the congregation, tech team, participating in the service and serving and reading. Everyone is welcome to help as much as they would like.
Our parish sees Holy Trinity Pewley Down School as a key partner in bringing a knowledge of God and a love for life to the next generation.
The Rector is a Governor at the school and regularly leads assemblies while many in the congregation have taught, visited, or had children there.
For more information about the school, please visit their website HERE.
Although not a church school, we have a great relationship with Sandfield school and look forward to their termly visits! They are a fab bunch.
More information about the school can be found HERE.
Every Saturday in term time, the Trinity Centre is buzzing with the sound of music and tap!
If you would like more information about attending the classes please CLICK HERE.
If your child is a future West End star, then Shine Time might be worth checking out. They meet in the Trinity Centre Wednesdays during term time and have summer workshops too.
More information can be found HERE.