At HTSM Guildford we enjoy a vibrant musical community

We welcome a wide range of genres from folk groups to full orchestras

Our Choirs

Holy Trinity Church Choir

Holy Trinity Choir aims to be inclusive in repertoire and opportunity. We are continually expanding our repertoire of underrepresented voices, and services are sung by varied combinations of girl choristers, boy choristers, teenage voices, and adult singers.

Two services are sung every Sunday for Eucharist and Evensong. All choristers sing at one service each week and rehearse every Thursday evening.

Young Singers

Holy Trinity Choir offers young people:

  • A free musical education, including singing lessons

  • Improved self-confidence and discipline by leading from a young age

  • Pocket money for their commitment to the choir

  • A fun community full of new friends

Boy and Girl Choristers (Year 3-8)

Younger boys and girls learn how to sing and read music in a friendly, inclusive team. They quickly begin to lead and make friends for life as they develop their voices as part of the boys and adults, or girls and adults choir.

Teenagers (Year 9+)

Older boys have bespoke vocal coaching to develop their new, lower voices. Older girls are challenged to develop their voices through complex upper voice repertoire. The teenagers regularly join forces as the Holy Trinity Youth Choir, while also singing with adults and younger choristers on occasion.

Safeguarding our young choir members.

At Holy Trinity Church, safeguarding children and young people has the highest priority. To this end we have in place a framework of safeguarding measures to protect young choir members including safeguarding training for our choir teachers. We are supported by a team of safeguarding professionals employed by the Diocese of Guildford.

We review our safeguarding procedures regularly to ensure they are up to date. We welcome feedback and the raising of concerns from parents.

To read Holy Trinity's Safeguarding Statement, please CLICK HERE

Adult Singers

  • Sing high-quality music with top musicians every week

  • Sing a wealth of repertoire on limited rehearsal time

  • Join a friendly and inclusive community of singers

Altos, tenors, and basses rehearse for an hour on Thursday evenings and sing for one service each Sunday (morning or evening). Sopranos are invited to sing once a month in place of the choristers and for major festivals, such as Christmas and Easter.

Click on the image to listen to the full choral foundation singing the Ceremony of Carols, December 2022

St Mary’s Church Choir.

St Mary’s choir is an adult choir which sings at special services in the Parish. The choir’s repertoire is wide and includes work by living composers, the pioneers of the sixteenth century and much in between.

The choir meets outside the church from time to time for suppers, madrigal session and musical evenings.

New members of all voices are welcome.

Interested in learning more?

Holy Trinity and St. Mary’s have vibrant music scenes. If you are interested in joining the choir, or you would like your son or daughter to come along for a taster session, please do not hesitate to contact us.

There is no audition or previous experience necessary for entry, just commitment, loyalty and enthusiasm.

Join our team of singers, young and old, and sing for:

  • Christmas Carol Services

  • Civic Services for the Mayor

  • Trips to major Cathedrals

  • Radio recordings

…and services of glorious music in amazing buildings with great friends every week

Organs and Bells

  • St Mary's Organ

    St Mary's Lunchtime Organ Recitals have been running since 1988. There have been some outstanding performances and recitalists from near and far have praised the quality of the organ.


  • Holy Trinity Bells

    Our parish has a lively band of ringers who ring the bells for morning services at both Holy Trinity and St Mary’s as well as weddings and civic occasions.

    New ringers are welcome, aged 11 – 70 and reasonably fit!

    History of the Bells