“For it is in giving that we receive”
The Parish of Holy Trinity & St Mary’s relies on volunteers and money to help resource weekly worship and pastoral care, including the music and youth ministry that is growing the next generation of Christians.
The funds we receive also enable us to support charities locally and further afield, undertake new initiatives, and look after our much-loved buildings.
We give a fair proportion of support to the Diocese which pays for our own clergy and funds the wider church, including parishes less fortunate than ours.
Please see below some of the charities we regularly help and ways you can help the parish.
Our parish supports charities locally and further afield through prayer, parish friends, regular donations and subsidised use of our buildings.
The PCC of Holy Trinity and St Mary’s backs the policy that outward giving should be a certain percentage of our parish income.
There are many, wide ranging opportunities to volunteer in our parish.
Browse the website to find out more about our services, activities, groups and see below the charities we support.
CONTACT US if you would like to help.
A regular standing order helps the parish to plan ahead. If you are a tax payer, you can increase your donation at no extra cost with Gift Aid.
CLICK HERE to donate online via the Parish Giving website or CLICK HERE to access the standing order form.
Donations are also gratefully received via the Parish Office.
Leaving a legacy to Holy Trinity & St Mary’s is a wonderful way of ensuring that future generations can enjoy the same blessings we have in helping to maintain a confident and visible Christian presence in Guildford.
CLICK HERE to find out more.