Electoral Roll & Annual Parochial Meeting

Annual Parochial Meeting 2025

The Annual Vestry & Parochial Church Meetings (APCM) take place on Sunday 11th May at noon in the Trinity Centre. During these meetings we elect Churchwardens (2 each for Holy Trinity & St Mary’s), Deanery Synod and Parochial Church Council members. Agendas and other paperwork are available online or at the back of both churches.

Putting your name behind your faith

2025 is a year where we start again! No matter whether you have been part of the electoral roll before, we need everyone to enroll again.

If you worship regularly at Holy Trinity, here are three reasons why you should put your name on the Church Electoral Roll:

  • Electoral rolls provide a true indication of the real membership and strength of the Church, both locally and nationally. Putting your name on the roll is a way of saying “I belong”; it is an act of commitment to your local church and to the Church as a whole.

  • Joining the electoral roll opens up the way for greater involvement in the life of the Church, at parish, deanery, diocesan and national levels. You become entitled to vote at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM).

  • It is an important statement of witness, and step along the path of discipleship. With your name on the electoral roll the strength of the Church can be seen in our area, and across the country.



To know which boxes to tick on the form you need to know whether or not you live in the parish.

Here is a map of the parish:

Or for more detail you can enter your post code to find out which parish you are in at A Church Near You

Any questions contact  office@holytrinityguildford.org.uk