In seeking to be a faithful and hospitable worshipping community, welcome for all, our connections with various groups mark our commitment to the needs of the wider world.
Our parish led groups are one of the things that makes our churches so special. Please check our Events page for upcoming talks, walks, churchyard groups or coffee mornings.
Please see below for some of our regular connections and groups.
guildford methodist church
Our parish has an exciting partnership with Guildford Methodist Church at St Mary’s.
holy trinity pewley down
Our parish sees Holy Trinity Pewley Down School as a key partner in bringing a knowledge of God and a love for life to the next generation. The Rector is Chair of Governors and regularly leads assemblies while many in the congregation have taught, visited, or had children there.
Abbot's hospital
Founded in 1619 by George Abbot, Archbishop of Canterbury, Abbot's Hospital continues to offer town centre accommodation within a sociable and supportive environment for local elderly people. Each Rector of Holy Trinity is a Governor of the Hospital and once a month, a member of the HTSM clergy team celebrates Holy Communion in Abbot’s Hospital Chapel.
Queen’s Royal Surrey Regiment
Holy Trinity has a long association with the Queen’s Royal Surrey Regiment. Go to our HERITAGE page for information about The Queen’s Chapel.
addison court
Addison Court provides affordable sheltered housing for 30 people. For 40 years this place has provided a caring community where those who are over 55 can find independence, security and companionship.
north guildford food bank
Holy Trinity Church has a collection point for the food bank on the first Sunday of the month at the 10am service.
churchyard group
Over the last few years an enthusiastic group of volunteers have been looking after the churchyard and managing it in a way that protects and encourages wildlife. The group meet every month or two to cut back vegetation that is inappropriate or getting out of hand, weeding or planting shrubs and flowers that encourage bees and other wildlife.
For more info see your ECO page
saturday coffee
Our Saturday Coffee team meet every Saturday to serve coffee, tea and biscuits to our community. They meet in Holy Trinity at 10am where there is a warm welcome and a friendly ear.
Everyone is welcome.
lunch club
Our Lunch Club is run by a wonderful group of volunteers. They provide lunch for as many who want it on the first Tuesday of every month.
If you would like to attend, you will need to contact the Parish Office.
trinity club
Our Trinity Club meets every couple of months in St Mary’s for talks and discussions, led by experts in their fields.
Details of upcoming dates and topics will be added to our EVENTS Calendar.
the diocese of guildford
the church of england