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Trinity Club

Post Pandemic Primary Care

Dr. Emma Humphreys

In the first year of the pandemic people talked about looking forward to when things will get back to normal. On the contrary, we have had to adjust to a new normal across many areas of our lives.  Far from easing, the pressures on our health service have actually increased. A million appointments per day are held in primary care, which is “significantly more” than before the pandemic. The Chief Executive of NHS England, Amanda Pritchard, recently said “Things are harder for the NHS now than during the pandemic…. the months and years ahead will bring the most complex challenges.’ We are very fortunate to be able to invite Dr. Emma Humphreys to talk to the Trinity Club about what it's like to be a GP in 2022. Emma will be talking about challenging myths, expectations and the onslaught of negative headlines whilst trying to provide the best care for our patients.

All are welcome at the Trinity Club, so please put the date in your diary for what will be our last meeting of 2022. As usual, we will begin at 10.30 to give people time to arrive, collect a cup of coffee and have a brief chat, before we begin the talk and discussion at 10.45. The meeting will finish at 12.00.

27 November


2 December

Vigil for Ukraine