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Trinity Club

St Benedict, community and daily life

Stephen Bampfylde

Ora et Labora

An oblate seeks to follow Christ by trying to live according to the Rule of St Benedict in the everyday world and within their own personal circumstances. Oblates are from all walks of life, and most are lay men and women. Stephen Bampfylde has been a Benedictine oblate for nearly 30 years alongside being part of an active family and leading a consulting company. Do come along and hear Stephen talk about what St Benedict has to say, from his distance of 1500 years, about how to live a busy and happy life.

All are welcome at the Trinity Club, so please put the date in your diary for the first meeting of the new year. As usual, we will begin at 10.30 to give people time to arrive, collect a cup of coffee and have a brief chat, before we begin the talk and discussion at 10.45. The meeting will finish at 12.00.

30 January

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3 February

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