How to Donate
Parish Giving Scheme
By regularly giving to the Parish Giving Scheme you can help to sustain and grow God’s mission in this parish.
Holy Trinity Church and St Mary’s Church are beautiful, holy spaces where God’s love is experienced and reflected through worship, prayer and social action.
Since 2016 there has been a gradual decline in our regular donations, further exacerbated by rising inflation bringing an overall fall in planned giving income of about 30%.
We are doing everything we can to generate income from other sources, but the decline is having a material impact on our ability to maintain our services.
For our Parish to continue to thrive and allow us to expand our ministry in increasingly diverse ways across the Parish and Town, we are asking you to consider becoming a planned giver. It is easy to do, is flexible and will make an enormous difference.
Donating through the Parish Giving Scheme can:
help us to plan for the future and to make decisions about the work of the Parish;
provide the Parish with regular income towards costs of around £6,000 each week;
enable us to claim 25% of the amount that you give if you are a UK taxpayer.
About the Parish Giving Scheme
The Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) was formally established in 2014 as an independent charity. It is designed to facilitate the gifts from individuals to their churches and has been adopted by most dioceses in the Church of England including our own Guildford Diocese.
Key features
The PGS is a direct debit scheme. It gives the donor the option of increasing their donations annually in January each year in line with the Consumer Price Index (CPI). You will be given the chance to opt out of the annual increase in line with inflation, should you so wish.
The financial resources of the parish rely heavily on the generosity of individuals’ planned giving, the PGS is an efficient way of receiving and recording the donations.
The potential for inflation-proofing donated income is hugely beneficial to the parish’s active engagement with the broader community in worship, cultural activity and charitable work.
The PGS system is less of an administrative burden for the parish, particularly in respect of claiming back any charitable tax relief. The costs of the PGS scheme are self-funded.
How to join the Parish Giving Scheme
If the above link does not work, please access the Parish Giving Scheme website:
Identify our parish by entering Guildford Holy Trinity St Mary.
You will be invited to register, set up and activate an account by giving your details, i.e. name, postal address, email address.
You be guided through the final steps to set up Regular Giving.
Once completed you will receive a confirmation email, including the date of the first transaction (always the 1st of the month).
By phone
Call the Parish Giving Scheme 0333 002 1271 open Monday to Friday, 9am - 5pm.
You need to have ready your personal bank account details and the Parish’s PGS code: 170617085.