statement of intent
Our statement of intent
The people of Guildford have worshipped God, as revealed through his Son Jesus Christ, in this parish for more than a thousand years. As their heirs and successors we seek to establish God’s Kingdom by offering holy lives and dedicated service. Our two churches were built for the worship of God, for the proclaiming of Christian truth and as places of prayer. God is faithful, holy and generous. We therefore seek to be a place and people of
Worship - We will offer regular and varied services of the highest quality that seek to glorify God through beauty, orderliness, and peace and, by faithful and challenging preaching, invite people to respond with all their being.
Faithful Living – We will stimulate reflection on the will of God for our daily lives, whether at work, at home, or at leisure, so that we may be faithful disciples of Jesus.
Fellowship – We will encourage people to feel part of a welcoming and caring community that gives and receives practical service, especially in times of need.
Prayer – We will maintain a community of prayer which listens carefully for the voice of God, which brings before God the needs of the parish and the world, and which supports individuals in their spiritual lives.
Learning – We will encourage people to develop their understanding of the Christian faith in an honest and thoughtful way, drawing on the best from the Anglican tradition, using scripture, reason and tradition.
Public ministry – We value an active engagement with the wider community in the centre of Guildford as well as those living in our parish, and will see to interpret the Christian Gospel to these institutions and people.
Connections – We will celebrate and display signs of God’s Spirit at work in Creation, in the arts, in the lives of other churches and charities, and in the church overseas.
In all that we are, we will seek to act from, and to show forth, the joy and love that are God’s gift to his children. We wish to make all welcome. So we have active links with groups pressing the Church to include fully those who have been left out in the past.